Rockingham - Harrisonburg Chapter
The Izaak Walton League of America

71st Annual Big Game Trophy Show Information

Virginia is divided into Eastern and Western regions, each with an annual Big Game Trophy Show. Each year, one show is designated as the State show and the other is a regional show. The state show alternates betwen the two regions each year. The breakdown1 f  the two regions is found on the East / West Region Boundries page.

The Western 2010 Show is the State Show

The 71st Annual Big Game Trophy Show is for game taken in the 2009/2010 hunting season.

The 2010 winners are identified on the 2010 Western Region Trophy Show Winners page, the 2010 Youth Winners are identified on the 2010 Western Region Trophy Show Youth Winners page, there are other photos from the 2009 show are on the 2010 Western Region Trophy Show Photos page, links to previous years winners are on the Previous Winners page, and some photographs of previous shows are at the bottom of this page.

Dates: Saturday September 25 and Sunday September 26, 2010

Times: Saturday: 9 AM to 9 PM and Sunday: 9 AM to 3 PM

Location: Rockingham County Fairgrounds on US 11 (south of Exit 243 off I-81 and north of Exit 240 off I-81)

Admission: Adult - $7.00, Children under 12 FREE with adult

Refreshments: A concession stand is available during show hours on Saturday and Sunday

Registration: Begins Friday September 24 at 9 AM. Trophy Entry Deadline is 2 PM on Saturday September 25

Trophy Registration Fee: $10.00 for each entry

All Deer entries must be accompanied by a Big Game Tag or Telecheck Confirmation number

All Bear and Turkey entries must have a Big Game Tag - Telecheck will not be accepted

Big Game Trophy Show Classes
Class I
Modern Firearm (Rifle)
12 Points and Above
Class II
9, 10 & 11 Points
Class III
7 & 8 Points
Class IV
6 Points & Under
Class V
12 Points and Above
Class VI
9, 10 & 11 Points
Class VII
7 & 8 Points
Class VIII
6 Points & Under
Class IX
Black Powder
12 Points and Above
Class X
9, 10 & 11 Points
Class XI
7 & 8 Points
Class XII
6 Points & Under
Class XIII
Class XIV
Youth Division
Rifle, Archery, Black Powder
Deer, Turkey, Bear
2007 Big Game Trophy Show 2007 Big Game Trophy Show
2007 Big Game Trophy Show 2007 Big Game Trophy Show
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